Tom Stock is a creative, producer and campaigner based in Colchester, Essex. A pansexual artist and proud father of one human and two cats, who believes that representation matters. 

"Community and collaboration are key for positive change in society and I want those factors at the heart of everything I do"

Since moving to Colchester early 2022, he has founded S/ASH a digital zine, creative community and pop up event and fund raised for Colchester Pride and The OutHouse. To celebrate LGBT+ History month in February 2023, Tom curated a month long program for Colchester Library called KALEIDOSCOPE. The project included free queer poetry/writing workshops, an art gallery, drag story-time, local LGBT+ groups and transforming the library into a rainbow wonderland for the local community. For Pride Month June 2023, Tom organised the first Mind Full of PRIDE event platforming local queer creatives in a special evening of entertainment at Patch, Colchester. October 2023 saw the premier of his first performance art project QUEERMANIA at Colchester Fringe Festival.  In June 2024 the KALEIDOSCOPE project expanded into a month long community pop up in Culver Square, Colchester with free exhibitions, art gallery, workshops and entertainment. Tom recently gained a distinction MA in Film & Literature at University of Essex after previously achieving a first class BA in Film, Media & Cultural Studies at Middlesex University.

To see upcoming projects and events from Tom, or to collaborate, contact him via links below.