Emotional Madness Anthology Zine One

Published May 2023 - Contains poems by Tom Stock and others

A wonderful premier collection of poems from contributors to the well loved local poetry event Emotional Madness with Mary-Ann and Mates. The event, currently in residence at Colchester Arts Centre, was founded by the emotional poet herself Mary-Ann Ambrose in 2018. Unfamiliars, publisher of zines filled with brave, creative and generous works, is proud to publish the first of no doubt many zines ascociated with Emotional Madness. £5 from each sale goes to Autism Anglia. You can purchase a copy from Red Lion Books on Colchester high street or through the link below.

Permission Not Necessary

Published September 2015 - Poems and short stories by Tom Stock

This debut collection of poems and short stories was written by Tom Stock before the age of 21. Like most creatives, he struggled to have confidence in his writing but rather than hide it away he did the opposite; he self published and produced a book launch. Permission Not Necessary is not just a collection of his early works but is a lesson in self determination. You don't need it but you have permission to read it for free below. Please contact via email to request a hard copy.